Please contact Chem Freight Hong Kong Ltd

For enquiry please contact Tel: 2961 4887 or Email:

Above courses meets the requirements for Shipper/Forwarder whom need to consign Dangerous Goods Shipment by Air. The courses also meets the IATA cargo agency's training requirements.

Note: The certificate will be valid for 24 months and recurrent training is required every 24 months as per (ICAO-TI) International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions for Safe Tranaport of Dangerous Goods By Air requirements.


Dangerous Goods Awareness Course

for Role b / Role d of Forwarder (Previously Cat. 4 & 5)



Refresher Dangerous Goods Regulations Course – 3 Days 

(For Renew Certificate)


Basic Dangerous Goods Regulations Course – 5 Days

(Certificate Valid for 2years)